Looking Back at Our Journey in the 2023 RSA Innovation Sandbox Contest

Danielle Guetta August 31, 2023

With Q4 around the corner, a reflection on the year so far highlights a standout moment for us at Astrix Security – our achievement as a top 10 finalist in the esteemed RSA Innovation Sandbox contest.

The RSA Innovation Sandbox contest isn’t your run-of-the-mill event. It’s a meeting ground for cybersecurity leaders, investors, and tech enthusiasts all gathered to see what the future of cybersecurity holds. The contest emerged as a remarkable platform in the realm of cybersecurity, and was driven by the need to identify and nurture promising cybersecurity startups. In fact, according to RSA, since the start of the contest in 2005, the top 10 finalists have collectively seen over 75 acquisitions and $12.48 billion in investments.

The acknowledgment of Astrix Security as a top 10 finalist, and the opportunity to showcase our vision for the emerging market of non-human identity security, was a stepping stone in our path to becoming leaders in the industry. This accomplishment not only underscored our innovation, but also the true potential of our amazing team and the solution we’re building

Impact that Echoes Through Time

On April 26 2023, Astrix’s CEO Alon Jackson took the stage in front of over 2000 people to tell the story of Astrix. From defining the problem we solve in the non-human identity security realm to how we help tech leaders such as NetApp, Priceline and Rapyd secure their non-human access, Alon took the crowd through our development journey and the value we aim to bring to the cyber world.

Since our inception in 2021, the Astrix team has been working tirelessly to create a category that didn’t really exist in the cybersecurity market until then. Today, non-human identities and the risk they pose to organizations are a discussion topic in many cyber forums and conferences, and the enormous challenge security leaders deal with when it comes to securing and managing the sprawl of these identities accessing sensitive business resources is now being acknowledged.

With a constantly growing number of attacks exploiting this new threat vector and the emergence of Gen-AI tools, the cybersecurity world now knows that the problem we solve is a challenge that must be addressed – and being a finalist in the RSA Innovation Sandbox contest proves that Astrix is the right tool for the job. 

Ready to see what it’s all about? Book a live demo with Astrix

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