Discover Non-Human Identities

Get a complete and up-to-date inventory of all internal & third-party non-human identities in your environments. See their associated risk, vendors, business value, and owners in one place.


Continuous NHI mapping


Real-time discovery

Continuously inventory provisioned or in-use service accounts, secrets, OAuth apps, IAM roles, API keys and other NHIs. Complete the picture with the third-party vendors behind them, owners, and usage.

Holistic enviorments

Holistic visibility across environments

Astrix inventories NHIs across IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, on-prem, and secret managers – correlating your entire NHI connectivity to provide deeper context and better risk prioritization.

3 Bots

NHI types

Astrix secures all NHI types across environments, from OAuth apps and service accounts to certificates, roles and secrets.

We secure NHIs across IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, and On-Prem environments

From AWS, Azure, GitHub and BigQuery to Salesforce and Office365, we ensure your environments are protected from NHI risks.

Why machine credentials are your biggest blindspot

Non-human identities are a wild west of ungoverned access. But what are they? How can you monitor them? 
and why should you care?

Read more

Learn more

The Okta breach: The results of a leaked service account

Not just code vulnerabilities: The overlooked cause of software supply chain attacks

NHI attacks making waves: Insights on latest 5 incidents

Ready to see Astrix in action?