Easily Rotate Exposed Secrets

Secure your secrets across cloud environments. Leverage rich context and risk prioritization to easily rotate exposed secrets without breaking anything.

Next-gen secret scanning

Protect secrets across environments


Map exposed secrets

Get an up-to-date inventory of all exposed secrets across environments and see exactly where they are and who created them.

Alert with keys

Prioritize secrets risk

Understand the risk of each exposed secret based on parameters such as what services the secret is used for, what resources it allows access to, its permissions, owner, rotation policy, and where it was found.

Remediate without breaking anything

Remediate without breaking anything

Easily rotate exposed secrets without breaking business processes using Astrix’s comprehensive context and visibility across your NHI connectivity.

We secure NHIs across IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, and On-Prem environments

From AWS, Azure, GitHub and BigQuery to Salesforce and Office365, we ensure your environments are protected from NHI risks.

Detect & Rotate Exposed Secrets With Astrix

Exposed secrets such as API keys, tokens, and other machine credentials are a critical part of your NHI risk landscape. Astrix discovers exposed secrets and provides rich context and risk prioritization to easily remediate without breaking anything.

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Learn more

The Service Accounts Guide Part 1: Origin, Types, Pitfalls and Fixes

The Service Accounts Guide Part 1: Origin, Types, Pitfalls and Fixes

NHI attacks making waves: Insights on latest 5 incidents

NHI attacks making waves: Insights on latest 5 incidents

Securing NHIs in Salesforce and NetSuite for SOX Compliance

Securing NHIs in Salesforce and NetSuite for SOX Compliance

Ready to see Astrix in action?